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What does Charles River Associates do?
Charles River Associates is a leading global consulting firm that applies advanced analytic techniques and in-depth industry knowledge to complex engagements for a broad range of clients. Founded in 1965, we work with businesses, law firms, accounting firms, and governments in providing original, authoritative advice and a wide range of services throughout the world. We combine economic and financial analysis with expertise in litigation and regulatory support, business strategy and planning, market and demand forecasting, policy analysis, and engineering and technology strategy. We are often retained in high-stakes matters, such as multibillion-dollar mergers and acquisitions, new product introductions, major strategy and capital investment decisions, and complex litigation, the outcomes of which often have significant implications or consequences for the parties involved. Matters such as these often require independent analysis, and as a result companies must outsource this work to outside experts. Companies turn to us because we can provide large teams of highly credentialed and experienced economic and finance experts to address complex, high-stakes matters.
What is the company's ticker symbol and where is the stock traded?
Charles River Associates stock is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol CRAI.
When was the company's initial public offering?
CRA completed its IPO in April 1998.
What is CRA's fiscal year?
CRA’s fiscal year ends on the Saturday nearest December 31 of each year.
What were the results of CRA's most recent quarter?
Please find our most recent report of quarterly financial results in the Quarterly Earnings section.
Who are CRA's Executive Officers?
Please visit the Corporate Governance section of CRA's website.
What is your growth strategy?
CRA has two core components to its growth strategy: organic growth and select acquisitions. The company's primary growth driver is organic growth, which has been achieved by: attracting and retaining high quality consultants; leveraging investments in areas of functional expertise, vertical industry coverage, and geographic presence; continuing to build brand equity; increasing marketing activities; and establishing relationships with additional outside (academic) experts. To complement this organic growth, CRA is pursuing strategic acquisitions that strengthen the company's practice areas, add scale to existing offices, and/or expand into new markets.
Does CRA have a dividend reinvestment program?
CRA does make dividend payments, but a dividend reinvestment program is not currently available.
Who should I contact regarding my stock certificates?

Transfer Agent
Computershare Investor Services
PO Box 43006
Providence, RI  02940-3006
United States
Phone:  (877) 282-1168 

By Overnight Delivery:
15 Royall Street - Suite 101
Canton, MA  02021
United States

How do I buy Charles River Associates stock?
The company's stock, listed on NASDAQ, can be purchased through your broker or using an online investment service. CRA does not offer a direct stock purchase plan.
How do I request a Charles River Associates investor packet?
Visit the Information Request section of our Web site or email your request to investor@crai.com.
How can I obtain SEC documents filed by CRA, such as its 10-Q, 10-K, or proxy filings?
Please see the SEC Filings section of this website.
Who can I contact if I have additional questions as a CRA shareholder?
Please visit the IR Contact section for contact information.
How many shares outstanding does CRA have?

As of July 28, 2023, the company had 7,001,716 shares outstanding.

How many consultants does CRA employ?

Consultant headcount as of July 1, 2023 was 971, which consisted of 156 officers, 522 other senior staff and 293 junior staff.